According to AYSO National Rules & Regulations, "Teams shall participate only in matches approved by their respective Regional Commissioners and participation in tournaments requires a signed roster". Please make sure you are following the rules and that you submit your documents at least 2 weeks prior to the tournament date.
When you decide on a tournament, please fill out the (NEW) google form. This will help us make sure we are getting your paperwork back in a timely manner and will also help track what tournaments our teams are having success with. The link to the form is here: If you have any upcoming tournaments, please make sure they are listed in this document.
No tournament will be approved without an approved team budget AND a funded account. Parents/coaches are NOT allowed to collect funds for tournaments - all funds are required to be tracked through our AYSO accounts.
If player cards are needed, please reach out to the RC 2 weeks ahead and make sure all headshots are already loaded and properly labeled in your google team folder.
Please make sure you are following these outlined procedures as this is a liability and a financial compliance issue that we want to make sure we are abiding by.
If you medal in a tournament, please forward the photo to the Regional Commissioner with details so we can post photos/success stories on Social Media and our website.