AYSO Region 1455 Return to Play Guidelines (08-22-2022):
Just a reminder about Covid Reporting protocols for the Fall 2022 season. If a player or coach tests positive, or is exposed to someone who is, or was quarantined due to a school/work contact, please send an email immediately to [email protected] to report it.
Please give the name of the person, the team and any details you may have. Our CVPA (Janice) will follow up to determine what protocols need to be followed.
Please report this right away, to limit any exposure to our players and coaches. Thank you!
6-15-2021 Thank you for your patience as we continue to received guidance from local authorities. As of today, we following the California and US Soccer Return-to-Play Guidelines, which will allow scrimmages or games, as scheduled/permitted by Region 1455. Most youth sports restrictions have been lifted, allowing tournament play.
Previous restrictions lifted:
Games and Tournaments allowed (6/15/2021)
- Group drills may be increased in size beyond 4v4. This may include controlled scrimmage/practice games within your own team only.
- Physical contact should be minimized.
- No limitations on participants per field. Social distancing should be maximized as appropriate and available, especially for spectators.
- Practice times should be set to maximize social distancing.
- Recommend a minimum of 30 minutes between end time of one session and the start time of the next.
- If youth need supervision while waiting for pickup, adults should be at least six (6) feet apart.
- Recommend no travel to events that would require overnight stay.
Small group drills may be increased up to 4v4 (e.g. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4). No drills greater than 4v4.Physical contact should be minimized.No more than 20 participants per field. this includes players, coaches, and spectators.Practice vests/pinnies; At minimum these must be washed after each use.Practice times should be set to maximize social distancing and limit the number of people in a single area to 20 or less.- Recommend a minimum of 20 minutes between end time of one session and the start time of the next.
- If youth need supervision while waiting for pickup, adults should be at least six (6) feet apart.
All coaches, parents and players must wear masks. Players will not need to wear masks during practice; however, they should have theirs on when they arrive and put theirs on once their practice is completed.PHASE II - OVERVIEW
- Small group drills may be introduced (e.g. 2v2). No drills greater than 2v2.
- Physical contact should be minimized.
- No more than 20 participants per field. this includes players, coaches, and spectators.
- Practice vests/pinnies; At minimum these must be washed after each use.
- Practice times should be set to maximize social distancing and limit the number of people in a single area to 20 or less.
- Recommend a minimum of 20 minutes between end time of one session and the start time of the next.
- If youth need supervision while waiting for pickup, adults should be a least six (6) feet apart.
- All coaches, parents and players must wear masks. Players will not need to wear masks during practice; however, they should have theirs on when they arrive and put theirs on once their practice is completed.
- Mask recommended for ALL entering/exiting the field. Mask should be worn by coaches (have one in your pocket) if you have to tend to an injured child or cannot maintain social distancing guidelines)
- No Contact
- Focused on return to activity with individual training; no group drills
- Groups not to exceed 20 participants per field
- No sharing of water or equipment
- Participants to remain a minimum of 10 feet apart
- Practice times should be set to maximize social distancing
- If a player or coach is sick, they must stay home until 3 full days without symptoms
- If a player/coach/in-house family member tests positive for COVID, the league MUST be notified immediately through an incident report written by the coach. – Copy of report sent to RC, Safety and CVPA
- Additional Phase I guidance
For more information on Return to Play:https://www.aysovolunteers.org/returning-to-play/
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness (REQUIRED FOR EACH PLAYER):
Area 11L Return to Play Guidelines:
Incident Report Form (for coaches to fill out and to send to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]): any participant who reports symptoms of COVID19, tests positive for COVID19 or who is exposed to someone with COVID19, must report to the Region in keeping with Health department requirements and that an AYSO Incident Report must be completed and submitted to the Safety Director. When notified by a family, identify which family member is either ill with COVID-19 symptoms, tested positive for COVID-19, or had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. Identify which family household members have been to an AYSO activity (parents, siblings, etc.) to identify who should be notified of possible exposure.
California Department of Health Guidelines - https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/outdoor-indoor-recreational-sports.aspx
CDC Guidelines for Youth & Community Sports: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/youth-sports.html California Department of Health Guidelines for Coronavirus: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/
CDC Guidelines for Coronavirus: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
- Coaches will send pre-training communication to families ensuring that only healthy participants attend and reiterate expectations and guidelines.
- Coaches should maintain physical distancing requirements from players and family members.
- Wearing a face mask is recommended for the duration of the practice.
- Utilize technique in isolation exercises, grid work, fitness and spatial awareness to limit physical contact between players (suggested content can be found here).
- Keep players together in small groups/cohorts with one coach and make sure that each group of players and coach avoid mixing with other groups as much as possible. Teams might consider having the same group of players stay with the same coach or having the same group of players rotate among coaches.
- Adhere to AYSO Safe Haven guidelines, i.e., 1:8 adult to child ratio; minimum of 2 adults present; no adult alone with children other than their own. Whenever possible, adult of same gender as players should be present.
- Once regulations permit expanded numbers, consider staging inner-squad scrimmages instead of games with other teams to minimize exposure among players and teams.
- Ensure all players have and handle their own labeled equipment (ball, water bottle, training disks, etc.).
- Coach should be the only person to handle coaching equipment (e.g.: cones, disks, etc.); do not let parents or attendees assist.
- Hand sanitizer or handwashing on arrival / mid-way and end of training session.
- No shared equipment in use (players will be provided with individual bibs/pinnies or can bring game jerseys as requested).
- No physical greeting of players (verbal acknowledgement is expected).
- Stay positive and create a fun environment in this new normal.
- Serve as focal point, or designate the Team Parent/Manager/Safety Director/CVPA, for notification from team families if a family member becomes ill with COVID-19, tests positive for COVID-19, or comes in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- Complete and submit AYSO’s Incident Report Form to the Region Safety Director immediately, including team roster.
*A designated volunteer or team parent can be added to help assist coach in accordance with the same health and safety guidance designated for the coach.
Team Parent:
- Assist Coach, as requested, with communications to families (including safeguard reminders, i.e., only healthy participants attend activities).
- As needed and if required, serve as focal point for notification from team families if a family member becomes ill with COVID-19, tests positive for COVID-19, or comes in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Notify the Coach immediately.
- Maintain physical distancing requirements from coach, players and family members.
- Wearing a face mask is recommended for the duration of the practice/games.
- Support identified guidelines for coaches.
- Assist with hand sanitizer or other safety precautions like handwashing on arrival / mid-way and end of training session in support of the coach.
- Help team/teams adhere to AYSO Safe Haven supervision guidelines.
At all times:
- Stay at least 6 feet from anyone as much as possible.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Spitting or rinsing the mouth with water is to be avoided.
- Cough into elbow.
- Stay home if not feeling well and communicate to the Referee Administrator.
- Prior to arrival, wash hands with soap or alcohol-based solution for at least 20 seconds.
- Arrival in full uniform is recommended.
- Maintain 6 feet distance from players, coaches, spectators and referee team for all administrative procedures.
- Mask is recommended for pre-game duties.
- No handshakes with coaches, players, or spectators.
- Coin toss options:
- Modified. One player from each team; center official; no handshakes; physical distancing.
b. No coin toss. Home team selects the half of the field. Away team will take kick-off.
During play:
- Masks are not required for referees during active play.
- Assistant referees are recommended to wear breathable face coverings unless wearing a mask causes breathing problems.
- Referees are recommended to stay a minimum of 6 feet away from players, coaches, spectators, and the referee team during dynamic play and stationary play at all times.
- Avoid spitting.
- Cough into your elbow.
- Do not share whistles or, if possible, any other referee equipment.
- If not feeling well during the game at any time, go home immediately.
- Keep the game flowing to limit groups of players congregating, i.e., set plays.
- After the game, applaud the players and coaches, but handshakes are not permitted; fist bumps/elbow bumps are not recommended.
- If shared, wipe down the handles of flags with an alcohol-based rub or wash with soap and water.
- Upon completion of the match, wash hands with soap or alcohol-based solution for at least 20 seconds.
- Ensure your child is healthy. Test child’s temperature before departing for soccer practice (if above 100.4, do not attend).
- Notify your team/club immediately if your child or family member becomes ill for any reason.
- Drop off and pick up players with special care given to the presence of children coming to and from the activity and receive verbal acknowledgement from the coach each time.
- Please wait in your car and/or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements and as requested by your coach or AYSO officials.
- Limit the use of carpools or van pools, and limit passengers to household members.
- Face masks are recommended.
- Wash your child’s clothing after every training/activity (recommendation).
- Sanitize all equipment (ball, cleats, shin guards, etc.) before and after every practice.
- Clearly label your child’s water bottle and personal items.
- Ensure your child has hand sanitizing products with them at every session.
- Do not assist coach with equipment before or after training.
- Check Region and Coach communication regularly.
- Inform parent if feeling unwell.
- Wash hands before and after training.
- Responsible for cleaning all required equipment after each training sessions (ball, cleats, shin guards, etc.).
- Bring and use your own labeled hand sanitizer at every session.
- Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment.
- Practice physical distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.
- No sharing drinks or use of water fountains at facility (players should mark their own water bottles).
- No physical greetings with their teammates (verbal acknowledgement is expected, we are physical distancing not social).
Remember that the Return to Play guidelines for both CalSouth (club teams) and AYSO are the same, outlined to keep players and volunteers safe.
We will update you soon and we are hoping for good news. Rest assured, we will get going as soon as we have all the approvals and protocols in place. Take care!!! ️
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